Depending on your needs, your dentist can suggest a variety of procedures.


Many people are surprised to learn how thorough an oral examination is. During checkups, patients will be screened for issues like cavities, gum disease, orthodontic and occlusal issues, and oral cancer. Cleanings, like checkups, are necessary for promoting optimal oral health. Even if a person conducts perfect oral hygiene, cleanings are still necessary. The dental instruments used in a cleaning provide a far more meticulous clean than one can achieve through brushing or flossing alone. Moreover, cleanings remove tartar accumulation - a leading contributor to the development of periodontal (gum) disease.


Fillings – Dental fillings help to remove the bacteria that has created a small hole through the enamel of your tooth. Your dentist will remove the damaged portions of the tooth and ensure that the bacteria has been removed before “filling” the hole to seal out any other possible damage.


Veneers – Veneers are thin porcelain sheets that are glued over the front of the teeth. Veneers are useful to hide cracked, chipped, or uneven teeth.


Crowns and Bridges – Crowns fully encase the tooth to seal out any bacteria or food particles from getting into the tooth. Crowns are often used after a root canal has been completed and can help keep the tooth in place without exposing it to more damage. Bridges are designed to prosthetically replace a missing tooth. The prosthetic tooth is attached to crowns that sit on either side of the missing tooth to give the appearance and function of the now missing tooth.


Implants – Implants are prosthetic devices that are also designed to replace a missing tooth. One of the largest benefits of an implant is that it is attached to the bone where the missing tooth once was. This helps to maintain the bone in the jaw and also gives the implant a more natural function and feel.


Inlay – An inlay is a restoration that can be attached to three sides of the tooth. Inlays can look like your natural teeth, or if placed on the back teeth can also be made of gold.


Onlays – Onlays are similar to inlays, except that they cover the chewing surface of the molars and can be subjected to more stress than an inlay.


Most of us invest a significant amount of time and energy into retaining our natural teeth for as long as possible. Daily brushing, flossing and regularly visiting our dentist for check-ups and professional cleanings all go a long way towards keeping our teeth healthy and functioning as they should. Nevertheless, tooth loss is an extremely common issue. More than 36 million Americans do not have any teeth at all and this number is expected to increase over the coming decade.

Living without teeth can be frustrating and difficult. Not only are you forced to deal with the effects that tooth loss has on your appearance – with many patients with missing teeth feeling extremely self-conscious and experiencing social anxiety as a result of their lack of a complete smile – but they may also find their ability to eat and even speak compromised. Fortunately, there is a solution that can restore the look and function of your teeth. If you are missing three or more teeth in either your upper or lower arch, you may be recommended to consider a denture-based solution. There are now two types of dentures to choose from – conventional or implant-supported. Our experience and knowledgeable dental team will be happy to discuss both options with you and help you decide which is right for you.


Nitrous Oxide Sedation
This is most commonly known as laughing gas and is administered via a nasal mask during your visit. Patients that undergo nitrous oxide sedation feel very relaxed during their visit. Once treatment is complete, the nasal mask is removed and the effects of nitrous wear off almost immediately. Patients that undergo this type of sedation are able to drive home and resume normal activities.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is administered in pill form a few hours before your appointment and just before we begin. It puts patients into a calm, sleepy state, while allowing them to stay awake and respond to our doctor’s commands. While the calming effects are great, when choosing oral sedation, we require patients to have a family member present to drive them to and from the dental office.

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